Thursday, May 28, 2009

"The Birth of a blogger"

Today I decided to start blogging. I've tried doing the myspace thing (which I never use) and facebook(which all I really do is play the mindless games), though I really started using them both to keep in contact with old and new friends and even family. I've decided that in order to keep friends and families updated on whats going on in my life it would probably be easiest for me to keep this blog much like I did a diary many years ago... after all, I used to be really good at keeping one of those. Who knows... maybe this will end up being my little niche. As I write in my "Diary" I may jump back and forth from past to present as I remember important happenings in my little families life and my own life before I became part of the Gough Family. Please bare with me as I am not a writer... only my siblings were blessed with that particular talent.

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