Nate and I have decided recently that because it's been said it takes boys longer to potty train than girls, (well that and the fact that he seemed to becoming interested),why not start potty training Zion now. So, we bought Zion a little potty and some big boy pull up style diapers. Boy was Zion excited about all of that. After buying all of that there have been some days where Zion has wanted to sit on his potty and others... not so much. Well, as of the last couple of days he has been really gung-ho about it... he wants to take off his pants and diaper and sit on his potty and then wash his hands (washing his hands especially), and he loves his big boy diapers and always wants to wear them. Now when I talk about Zion sitting on his potty that's literally what he's doing... just sitting on his potty, that is up until today! This morning when I noticed the sign of him having to go potty I rushed to him brought him to his little potty took off his diaper and sat him on him down and he did his business! We were so proud of him. I mean what an accomplishment for such a little guy. I cheered for him and he was pleased himself. He sat on the potty several more times today but alas nothing. Oh well, I figure if I can get him to do his business on his potty once a day... that's good enough for me right now.
Zion Has also been expanding his vocabulary! Lately Zion has been calling me by my first name when he wants my attention... Heidi, Heidi! Man I love this kid of mine!
zion is such a cutie! my son..gaven was very stubborn when it came to potty training.. I started off with giving him a little potty, then bribing him.. none of it worked.I feel bad even saying this..and it was really tough on me at the time. My husband had to end up giving gaven a quick cold get gaven to stop going poopy in his diaper and go potty in the toilet. I laugh back on it now. Megan was so much easier to potty train. she was 2 and a half..when gaven was almost 3 and a half years old. Though if zion is interested now..then thats Great!!